Liveops Agent Spotlight: Stacy

May 30, 2023 | Virtual Agents | Blog


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liveops agent spotlight stacy

Life can take us in many directions, setting the path for the next journey. Sometimes unknowingly, these paths are building the skills needed to be successful in our next endeavor. For Stacy, her personal and professional journey led her to discover self-employment with Liveops. A leader in the customer service industry, Liveops agents provide services virtually from their own homes.

Minnesota-native, Stacy Brossard contracted with Liveops for the first time in 2021, partnering with a utility after seeking a flexible virtual opportunity in the wake of COVID. Like many around the world, her days as a school bus driver was impacted. Stacy decided to take a leap after her three-year tenure as a bus driver, and pursue an independent contractor opportunity with Liveops primarily because she knew she could manage a “right-time’ schedule while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Plus, she’s had the time to regularly train in taekwondo, working toward her second-degree black belt!

For more than two years Stacy has partnered with a utility support client at Liveops. Stacy’s affinity and dedication to her program is strong, translating to great performance, “I really like the customers. And I really like the client.” She enjoys the praise she gleans from providing services, and even keeps notes on post-its around her desk to keep them top of mind.

Managing a bus-load of excited school children yields a variety of transferrable soft skills that Stacy has realized. Confidence, empathy, understanding, active listening, and patience – to name just a few. Chatting with Stacy, it is also evident that she has a strong eagerness to learn and is passionate about helping others.

Stacy’s affinity and dedication to her program is strong, translating to great performance, “I really like the customers. And I really like the client.” She enjoys the praise she gleans from providing services, and even keeps notes on post-its around her desk to keep them top of mind.

Empathy is key when providing services for the utility support client. Sometimes callers reach out during once-in-a-lifetime moments of hardship and struggle.

“The client brought Liveops agents on to help with the outage calls when Hurricane Ian hit in 2022, and a number of their customers were impacted. During those moments, you have to remember to always be empathetic. Let it come across in your voice. These people are going through something horrible. You can’t completely understand unless you’ve been in it. But you can feel for them, and be there for them, and let them know that you care.”

How does Stacy maintain positivity in these tough moments? A simple trick has stuck with her.

“From the get-go, we always say, ‘Do it with a smile in your voice.’ Don’t treat the customers how you want to be treated, treat them how they want to be treated,” Stacy explains. “Put a mirror up when you talk, so you can see yourself smiling. Even if you’re delivering the worst piece of news, if you have that smile in your voice and that willingness to help, you can really go far.”

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