For CX, Agent Experience and Community Are Paramount

September 12, 2023 | Flexible Workforce | Virtual Agents | Blog


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Better CX involves Agent experience and community

While you’re considering CX from the enterprise point of view, for the purpose of this article let’s flip the script for a moment. Enterprises are composed of people, and all people have been on the receiving end of CX. Positive, negative, or mediocre, your experience sticks with you and informs your consumption choices moving forward, right? Imagine a time you’ve been impressed, even taken by surprise, by above and beyond CX. Now, imagine a time you’ve been deeply disappointed by poor CX from a company you hoped to love. Perhaps you gave the latter company a second chance. However, not all enterprises are so lucky to have a customer willing to risk an unpleasant experience again. It goes without saying that it behooves enterprises to optimize CX, but a key portion of it are the agents who execute your CX ideals.

Not all agents are created equal, and a lot aren’t supported in a meaningful way. Liveops Nation is composed of independently contracted agents who take pride in their business and are enthusiastic about supporting enterprises they sincerely care about. Liveops fosters and fuels that passion by prioritizing AX (agent experience), so they’re best primed to serve your enterprise. Just like customers, when agents feel cared for, they are committed.

Liveops is filled with people who take joy in creating inclusive and engaging programming for agents.  Liveops Nations contains access to tools and continuing education that garner an invaluable passion and perseverance in agents, skills then applied to the CX they’re largely responsible for. A lot of remote, independently contracted agents operate their business out of their home. While beneficial and convenient, remote work can also sometimes be lonely and feel like a vacuum. When agents have a place to engage with peers, exchange feedback, and encourage each other, that collaborative support system spills over into customer interaction.

Another important facet of AX that can go unaddressed is the concept that health is wealth. When wellness is integrated into their workflow, agents are less likely to cut corners. Knowing their health and well-being are a priority is a key piece of satisfaction in day-to-day lives, and a community that encourages self-care promotes that idea. Regarding agent health, the small things matter. Stretching, stepping outside for fresh air, snuggling a pet, or taking a moment to laugh and connect all create a more well-rounded AX, a hallmark of the agent community at Liveops.

Recently, I attended the Stealth CX Experience hosted by 3 Tree Tech, where I joined CX leaders to chat about the industry and top themes. Unsurprisingly, one of the topics in the CX conversation is the effective utilization of AI.

With a one-two punch approach to CX with AI and agents, your average handle time (AHT) can be pared down, and agents will be fresh for their next customer contact.  While many agents are skilled at balancing the customer interaction during their search for answers, AI can assist in shortening these lulls and wait times by providing need-to-know information quickly. When thoughtfully employed, AI can take on tedious processes and simple tasks that don’t necessitate tapping into the valuable human reserve. Our energy is finite, after all! AI implementation can minimize minutiae and give agents the space to actually build relationships and connect with your customers. AI augments CX, and though it may take a transitional period to adopt, it can prove advantageous.  Enterprises can benefit greatly from leaning into fresh opportunities to integrate AI. When done right, everybody wins.

All enterprises looking to stand out know the importance of remarkable CX, but many fail to consider the giant role AX plays in that equation. You may luck out and get a slew of fabulous independent agents, but those who have a homebase in a robust community filled with access to resources are a much better bet for consistency. When it comes to agents, Liveops takes the best of the best, and then perpetuates their enthusiasm and stellar performance by creating a community just for them. Their open desire for feedback, constructive criticism, and new tools to self improve are directly reflected in the CX they provide to your invaluable customer base.

Liveops works hard to bring together and elevate agents who value self-betterment and community and understand the value of an empathic, efficient exchange with your customers. Courage, passion, and perseverance all contribute to life satisfaction, so it’s no surprise they contribute to work-life satisfaction, too.

KPIs are vital, but less discussed are the abstract initiatives that ultimately inform those metrics, like AX. Think of your enterprise’s success as the tip of an iceberg: underwater are all the initiatives your enterprise has taken to bolster the success bobbing above water. AX is a vital piece of that hidden iceberg. Happy agents are loyal agents, and a rich community of those agents directly correlates to your customers’ joyful, expeditious experience with your enterprise.

Happy customers are loyal customers, after all.

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Krislyn Powell

As Agent Engagement Manager, Krislyn believes in the power of community and connection, cultivating Liveops Nation as the platform for agents to both find and create value. She currently lives in the East Valley with her husband, son and two dogs.