[Poll] Flexible schedules and mental health

June 13, 2022 | Flexible Workforce | Blog


During Mental Health Awareness month, Liveops did a quick poll on LinkedIn:
What resources are most helpful for your mental health in the workplace? 

right time is flexible schedule

The winning choice, claiming 57% of votes, was flexible schedules. 

The “work when/ how/ where you want” model (or as we call it – “Right Time” scheduling) is hard to resist in the midst of the Great Reflection, where people are re-evaluating the way work balances into their lives. If you’re surprised that flexible schedules won the cake in this poll, let’s dive in to a few  “ABCs” of Right Time scheduling:


Flexibility in schedules can be empowering. Without someone dictating hours, the ownership of time management and organization is in your hands. Liveops agents are independent contractors, which means they own their own business and define their own success. 


Need some time for your morning swim? Want to make it to every elementary school play performance? Stressing about missing these things isn’t doing any favors for mental health. We only have so much time in our days. Find how work fits into your personal life, instead of the other way around. 


Being told when to clock in and out every day is a common characteristic of a full time or part time job. With flexible schedules, the power of choice is in the agent’s hands. Liveops agents choose their schedules in 30-minute increments, so they commit to the schedule that is right for them. 


Watch this short video to learn a little more about Right Time schedules.


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