The New York Times meets the un-contact center

November 13, 2017 | Flexible Workforce | Blog


newspaper article

Liveops called ‘the Uber of contact centers’ for innovation and flexibility

After several months and several thousand miles traveled—from our agent roadshow in North Carolina to the home of one of our top-performing agents in rural Maine—Noam Scheiber of The New York Times revealed how Liveops is enabling people to work around their lives.

The feature article, “Plugging into the gig economy, from home with a headset,” takes readers behind the scenes with real Liveops agents to understand how this new model works, and how traditional contact centers are being replaced by virtual, on-demand workforces.

Here are five key takeaways from the article:

  1. Customer service jobs that were once sent offshore to contact centers are coming back to the U.S. as a way to improve customer experience through improved quality and more business agility.
  2. Many great agents dislike working in traditional contact centers, but love the flexibility of providing customer service from their own homes.
  3. Great resources are available to prepare home-based agents for the wide variety of call types, with distance learning that includes application and soft skills development.
  4. While Uber capitalized on the problems with traditional taxicab services, Liveops’ flexible model targets an inherent problem with traditional contact centers—inflexibility.
  5. Liveops operates on a meritocracy, with the best agents receiving the most calls, motivating agents to make the most of every call. This results in a better customer experience.

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