Use the resources Liveops offers to help your home business succeed. By Staci, an independent agent in Kentucky (with special thanks to Leslie and Tracy) I was super nervous...
Contact center work hasn’t evolved with workers’ needs, agents say The first word Lourdes used to describe her work in a contact center was “nightmare.” “You’re really, really micromanaged...
Patient experience is key to growth—and survival As the new year begins, healthcare providers and others in the sector face deep uncertainty from the legislative arena and challenging spikes...
The Oxford Dictionary defines the word empathy as “The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.” By Aimee Matolka, Program Manager, Insurance Claims Do you find yourself...
Compare: traditional contact centers vs. an on-demand virtual model Every customer service executive is looking for business agility, flexibility and cost-effective solutions. But to achieve all of this, quality...
Call quality suffered overseas, making customer satisfaction a financial driver A decade ago, offshoring seemed to be the low-cost answer for customer service calls. Companies rushed to capitalize on...
Why bother? Surprising ways training improves business performance When I talk with clients about ongoing skill development for their customer service agents, some are torn. While they want agents...
For more than 17 years, Liveops has provided opportunities for people to work from home. With thousands of people applying every month, and hundreds of new agents joining, there...
Actionable insights to adapt to the new era of customer relationships Take a trip to any customer service summit and you’ll hear the same lament from savvy customer service...
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