Take the contact center assessment to see how you stack up. How well is your contact center serving your customers? For too many customer service leaders, the answer is,...
Patient experience is key to growth—and survival As the new year begins, healthcare providers and others in the sector face deep uncertainty from the legislative arena and challenging spikes...
Compare: traditional contact centers vs. an on-demand virtual model Every customer service executive is looking for business agility, flexibility and cost-effective solutions. But to achieve all of this, quality...
Why bother? Surprising ways training improves business performance When I talk with clients about ongoing skill development for their customer service agents, some are torn. While they want agents...
Actionable insights to adapt to the new era of customer relationships Take a trip to any customer service summit and you’ll hear the same lament from savvy customer service...
Liveops called ‘the Uber of contact centers’ for innovation and flexibility After several months and several thousand miles traveled—from our agent roadshow in North Carolina to the home of...
Agility, cost and quality prompt managers to look beyond traditional FTEs Whether the driver is business agility, an effort to better contain costs, or a focus on enhancing customer...
Liveops’ flexible, on-demand workforce of domestic customer service and sales agents seamlessly adapt to spikes in customer demand. Whether driven by seasonal promotions, product launches, media campaigns or cyclical...
Gig workers offer greater quality, flexibility and cost savings “Thanks for holding. Your call is very important to us.” Is it really? If my call was so important, wouldn’t...
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