How remote work affects the environment The canals in Venice are clear and lively fish are visible. Blue skies are replacing smog in some of the world’s most polluted...
The workforce today looks significantly different than it did at the beginning of this year. The coronavirus pandemic has had a profound impact on businesses and their workforces. Some...
“They love me, they love me not.” If you’ve been plucking petals to discern whether your contact center team members are really committed to your business, you’re not alone....
5 Reasons the workforce is changing Things change. Fashion, technology, diets – we are surrounded by change every day of our lives. So there is no surprise that the...
Exploring the virtual contact center It’s not a surprise that today’s workforce wants more flexibility in the workplace. Busy schedules, demanding workloads and hectic personal lives beg for...
A new decade is upon us, and the disruption in the workforce is here. No longer are Baby Boomers dominating the workforce. Millennials make up the majority of the...
More than just flexible dates: Travel customer care with built-in flex Nearly half of all Americans are expected to travel over the July 4 holiday. For the entire summer...
People skills may end up carrying higher premiums “We are at an interesting inflection point with customer service: We’ve gone from full automation and the push for chatbots, and...
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