A new decade is upon us, and the disruption in the workforce is here. No longer are Baby Boomers dominating the workforce. Millennials make up the majority of the...
Building a network is a great way to overcome remote work loneliness and strengthen your business. Have you ever wanted to work from home, but don’t know where to...
More than just flexible dates: Travel customer care with built-in flex Nearly half of all Americans are expected to travel over the July 4 holiday. For the entire summer...
People skills may end up carrying higher premiums “We are at an interesting inflection point with customer service: We’ve gone from full automation and the push for chatbots, and...
Exceptional customer care is just one of Teresita’s amazing talents She’s also a business owner, social worker, graduate student and more If you’ve ever felt like there wasn’t enough...
Insurers are creating products for the gig economy but are they tapping it for talent? With two-thirds of working Americans anticipated to take part in the gig economy in less...
Note from the editor: Special thanks to our author, Justin Loehrke, who originally published this article on Linkedin, for allowing us to share his personal story and experiences on...
A Q&A with Paul Leavens, Liveops’ Senior Vice President of IT & Security In a world plagued by increasing—and increasingly dangerous—threats, how do you safeguard your company, your customers...
Greg Hanover shares what he’s learned about remote work success at Liveops It’s never been more possible to get work done from anywhere—even some of the most remote parts of...
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