A virtual contact center can make your next event more efficient and profitable The New Year means many things to a business – a new budget, fresh thinking and...
Large, forward-thinking companies are getting smarter with their contact center resources Anyone who runs or works with a contact center knows that getting the right agents is really hard...
Customer Service Appreciation Week is the perfect time to reflect on how to show gratitude all year long. Full disclosure: I am the Senior Vice President of Marketing at...
Last month I found myself at a pretty engaging event with peers across several key verticals. Customer Contact Week (CCW) held an executive exchange which created an intimate environment...
When catastrophic weather hits, insurers must prepare for the flood of claims By all accounts, natural catastrophes in the U.S. created the largest-ever insurance industry losses in 2017. According...
How to prepare phone agents to handle customer complaints Perhaps the worst image for a retail or ecommerce executive is the abandoned shopping cart. Customers have already been drawn...
Retailers and etailers gain a competitive advantage with top-notch contact center provider Spending during the 2017 holiday season totaled $108 billion, shattering records. It marked an increase of 5.5...
Customer service flexibility, enabled by voice, helps sail through storms When a low-pressure weather system, dubbed a bomb cyclone, hit the eastern half of the United States in early...
The Oxford Dictionary defines the word empathy as “The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.” By Aimee Matolka, Program Manager, Insurance Claims Do you find yourself...
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